Hello everyone! I know it has been a while since I’ve posted in this blog. However, this may be the last post I do in this blog again for another long period. I apologize to anyone who follows this blog of the lack of posts I’ve put into it, life has its way of interrupting progress. Anyhow, I’m making this post to let you all know that I’ve made the decision that I’m going to write a book based on this blog. The book’s title will be similar to that of the title of the blog, but with an additional part. It’s going to be called Ass Kissers and Toxic Leaders: Memoirs of my time in the US Army. I was sort of hesitant about my decision over the past three years since leaving the Army, I was unsure if I would get in trouble about it, to be honest. However, after doing some research, asking other fellow Veterans that have written books about restrictions, and looking at DoD guidelines, I am safe to say I can go write my book with ease. Like my blog, like it’s said in the Introductory post, those guidelines will be imposed into my book as well. There was some opposition about my decision to make the book from some of the very few people I served and still stay in contact with, telling me that I may be violating OPSEC if I do this. Also, the same people telling me this knew about my situation when I was stationed at Ft. Campbell about my First Sergeant trying to chapter me out based on his personal opinion though I would be just bad mouthing the Army about all the bad times I had while being in. This is not going to be a bad mouth session on the Army, in fact, I don’t even hate the Army. I only have disagreements with the organization, that is all. For the seven and a half years I was in the Army, I was always told to report things that I felt were not right going on, and this book is simply doing what I was trained to do. Of course, there are going to be some Vets that may say, “Well, that’s just the way the Army is” crap, but it doesn’t mean it was right. Also, I want my story to be told, I want to let people who are thinking about joining the Army to know what they are getting themselves into, and that they may suffer long term effects once they leave the Army, just like I have. This would very therapeutic for me because I feel if I don’t do this, then I’m going to end up one of the twenty-two Veterans who kill themselves every day. The decision has been made, and I’m going forward with it. As I said earlier in this post, I won’t be posting anything else for a while, so expect a long pause here. The next thing I will be posting in this blog will be excerpts that will be in my book, just to let you all see what is to come. I’ll try to get something up soon.

The Angry Private!
US Army Ordnance Corps 2009-2017
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